People working together


ECOMODA - Reforming of Fashion Industry by using Eco-friendly Practices

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4th and Final Meeting in Corsica

The 4th and Final Transnational meeting of the ECOMODA project - ReforMing Of fashion inDustry by using ECO-friendly practices was held in Bastia, Corsica was organised by SC’OPARA on the 14th and 15th of November, 2023. Partners discussed the successful completion of the ECOMODA Training Course (R1) and the Success Stories (R2) including the finalization of the POP-UP Workspace (R3) and the final steps for the ECOMODA project’s completion.

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The 3rd Project Meeting in Spain

The 3rd Transnational meeting of the ECOMODA project - ReforMing Of fashion inDustry by using ECO-friendly practices was held in a beautiful Ontinyent in Spain under the auspices of ATEVAL on 27. 4. and 28. 4. 2023. Experience from video interviewing, as well as tips and tricks for video editing, were shared as well the key activities progress was checked in accordance with Gantt diagram. The pilot workshops were successfully realized in all partner countries and the feedback of participants allowed us to improve the study texts and find out additional material, which can support the self-study of registered users of the Pop-Up workspace application.

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The 2nd project meeting in Italy

The Ce.F.A.S. hosted the 2ndnd Transnational meeting of the ECOMODA project - ReforMing Of fashion inDustry by using ECO-friendly prActices. Representatives of all partner organizations fruitfully discussed on the 17th & 18th of October 2022 in Magliano in Italy. The progress in key activities within 10 months was discussed. The training course in 4 specific modules in English is successfully prepared and it is ready for graphical correction for web and pop-up platform sharing as well as for translation to national languages.

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Kick Off Meeting

On the 15-16th of June the partnership of the Erasmus+ project Ecomoda met for the first in-person meeting, in Prague. We had a very productive meeting and managed to discuss the development of the ECOMODA training course and the overall progress of the first 5 months of the project. Thank you Clutex for the warm welcome and amazing hospitality!