
The 2nd project meeting in Italy

The 2nd project meeting in Italy

The Ce.F.A.S. hosted the 2ndnd Transnational meeting of the ECOMODA project - ReforMing Of fashion inDustry by using ECO-friendly prActices. Representatives of all partner organizations fruitfully discussed on the 17th & 18th of October 2022 in Magliano in Italy. The progress in key activities within 10 months was discussed. The training course in 4 specific modules in English is successfully prepared and it is ready for graphical correction for web and pop-up platform sharing as well as for translation to national languages. The idea for the preparation of Success stories for designing a creative career is developed as well as the list of creative people for video interviewing. The date for the Pilot workshop is pre-set in all countries and we believe it will be realized within a few weeks. Stay in touch with us, we will let you know about the news soon.

The next transnational meeting will be held in Spain, the consortium members are looking forward to seeing together in person there on 27-28 April 2023. Thank you Ce.F.A.S. for the warm welcome and amazing hospitality and see you in Ontinyent!